Complete solution for transplant care!

Leveraging the latest in technology and the best in transplant care practice for the patients, for the clinicians and for the transplant centers!  Touching all points in the care continuum.

Organ Transplant Management Across All Stages

Organ transplant management starts way before the patient is actually transplanted. From referral to actual organ transplant there are many steps that require good communication and coordination. myTransplant is a platform for organ transplant management and transplant  care. It is comprehensive, enables patient participation and assists  in decision making  with better analysis of data trends. There are modules designed for each stage in transplant care.

Stages in transplant journey
myTransplant offers  a web based interface for all the transplant center tasks. It also provides a unique set of role specific mobile apps. There are apps for the coordinators and for transplant doctors who have the access to the transplant database and facilitate communication with the patients.

There is a specially designed patient app. The transplant centers offer it to the patients on accepting the patient. This app is automatically configured with right set of  data for the required organ and the patient’s status in the transplant journey.

Transplant Care Is Teamwork

Transplantation is a major intervention, the success of which depends on  expertise drawn from  multiple  specialties. Success ratings of a transplant center depend on good organ transplant management. This requires  swift  communication and friction free coordination. myTransplant is designed to facilitate collaboration across multiple teams. It serves the needs of the transplant  administration and the regulator, the transplant surgeons, other specialists doctors involved in the transplantation process, the coordinators and the  patients.

Pre-transplant Management

Dealing with uncertainty of getting an organ is a biggest challenge in organ transplant management. A patient’s wait for an organ could be a few months or a few years. Completing workup for a quick listing and the waiting list management are important tasks for a transplant program. There are regulatory requirements that dictate minimum score under the Composite Pre-transplant Management (CPM) and the simple rationale of saving every life.

Referral to Listing

Transplant patients are not in best of the health,rapid evaluations and reducing time from referral to listing is important. Pre-transplant workup of a patient is complex and a data intensive task.  Clinical coordinators are overworked as they need to spend hours  collating critical parameters from patient reports. Using the myTransplant   app patients can directly upload the workup reports  to the transplant database. Coordinators can now fast track the listing process.

While Waiting

Good waiting list management is both, a patient concern and a regulatory norm. Waiting time for an organ can run into years.  Waiting list mortality and  dropout on waiting  list are key factors to be controlled.  A regular followup with listed patients is required. Using the myTransplant app patients will be reminded of the upcoming checkups. Patients in turn can directly update the test results into the database. Alerts are raised to clinical staff  when a patient shows signs of deterioration.

Last Minute Access

Getting  an organ is a matter of chance.  Time to respond is the key to good organ transplant management. The window to use the organ is very short. Having a quick and easy but secure access to patients data is critical for doctors and coordinators to manage the pre-transplant activities. It can save the coordinators time  in contacting patients and help the surgery team to  quickly review a patient’s medical history and risk profile before the surgery. The dedicated sets of apps  give each team member the right degree of access to patient data.

An App for Managing Surgery Notes

GridSense Health app for managing surgery notes stright out of the OT

Smart App for Surgery Notes

  • A smart app that can be configured for surgery best practices.
  • Record surgery notes  with all details quickly and easily, even from the OT
  • Record the sketches and the photos of the graft
  • Query the surgery notes at the point of care.
  • The induction used and details of  biliary anastomosis when there are complications after discharge
  • Complete analytics on historical surgery notes using  machine learning models.
  • Study of historical data to classify surgery steps by the patient outcomes.

Post Transplant Followup

A transplant patient needs lifelong care and monitoring.

Followup protocol

Followup Protocol

Post-transplant care is lifelong and transplant medication is a balancing act. Post discharge the patients require  regular monitoring of critical parameters that reflect how well the organ is functioning. myTransplant makes it easy for transplant centers  to monitor patients compliance with the transplant protocol.

Connected care

Patient Contact Program

Patient education and participation is an important factor in the success of an organ  transplant. The transplant center’s  communication with the patient is facilitated by the mobile app. This  paves the way for preventive care. Patients  can report their daily monitored parameters and symptoms using the app, in a safe and secure manner.

Preventive care


Post-transplant complications and re-admissions cost  money and affect the graft survival. myTransplant integrates patient reported data into the decision pool. Our proactive analysis of the patient data enables in creating an early warning system. Upon such alerts, the transplant center can take quick actions to avert complications.


Trends and Critical Events


  • Organ transplant management is a difficult area of patient care
  • myTranspant makes it easy for the clinician to see patient’s  historical data
  • Critical parameters are grouped logically so that the relative shifts are easy to grasp
  • There is a tabular view of multiple parameters to allow easy browsing
  • The trend charts of related parameters are grouped together and displayed graphically
  • There is a contextual navigation from the graphical trends relating these to patient’s condition
  • Trend charts and graphical dashboards are available on the web and  on the mobile apps

myTransplant - Solution Benefits

The preventive and participatory approach helps in reducing risks and costs of transplant management.

Preventing complications, reducing costs

Benefits to Payers

myTransplant is all about improving quality and the  reach of transplant care. This has a direct impact on reducing patient complications leading to hospital re-admissions. Thus reducing overall cost of patient care.

Improved ratings for organ transplant centers

Care Providers

myTransplant is deigned to help transplant programs in achieving very high levels of short term and long term care for organ transplant patients. This helps in regulatory compliance and transplant program ratings.

Patients Outcomes

myTransplant has created a revolutionary organ transplant care solution for patients by leveraging mHealth. The mobile apps are designed to educate and engage patients for self-care. The apps improve patient compliance and long term survival.

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